Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Twilight Saga

[Note:]  WildBlue sent an email to my father saying that we are reaching our Internet usage rate, which means that very soon, I won't be able to post a damn thing on here. Don't know how long, but hopefully it won't take for how many ever weeks, like it did last time . . . .

Does Twilight have anything at all to do with Goth? Yes, but only if you count all of the attention we've been getting lately because of it.

Many people--girls, especially--tend to believe that because Twilight Saga is full of vampires, it's OH SO GAWTHIC! Well, I'm afraid that you're wrong, there, my friends. Just because something has a vampire in it does not make it gothic. What does make something gothic, on the other hand, is . . . well . . . dark stuff! And I don't just mean angst shit, I mean something . . . like . . . like this! In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem are attacked on the full moon during Halloween. C'mon, what's not spooky about that?

Besides TKAM, there's Edgar Allan Poe's works. If you don't want to go to the library or something, then you can always check out PoeStories, which is a site that I myself enjoy. (I can't talk about Edgar Allan Poe without suggesting my favorite poem by him, "The Bells." Check it out!)

Now, please keep in mind that you can like--and even love--Twilight and still be Goth. If you're a part of such a diverse subculture such as this one, then you're bound to find someone who's Team Edward (or Jacob) like you are. Keep in mind, however, that most Goths absolutely despise the series. If I had to guess a reason why, then it's probably because along with it came a shit-load of lovely Mall Goths. And Mall Goths, generally, are not welcomed into the scene with open arms.

Myself? Well, I liked the very first book.. When I read New Moon, however, I was wondering how in the world Meyer had made it suck (no pun intended) so bad. When reading Eclipse, it was very hard for me to get through with anything, because I was still suffering from the huge let-down of New Moon. And Breaking Dawn? Oh, jeez, don't get me started on how horrible that disgusting piece of garbage was (I wanted a fight! A fight, dammit!)!

1 comment:

  1. I always figured it was because the vampires' makeup in the movies was in line with what laymen consider the gothic stereotype. I don't know if it actually started with the books, though; I didn't even know Twilight existed until I saw the movie trailer (and quite frankly, I have to say that the whole saga is something I, as an aspiring writer, wish I'd remained ignorant about).
